Windows Remote Desktop Licensing (RDP) (CAL).


Today we’re going to explain Windows Remote Desktop licensing, that’s right, if you have a VPS or a server with the Windows operating system installed, and you want to access it from another location, i.e. remotely, you need to purchase licenses called CAL, (Client Access License). This license entitles the user or machine to perform remote access on the server.

It is important to note that these licenses are mandatory and required to make the use of the software legal, this requirement comes from Microsoft, the owner and developer of Windows, and not from Master Da Web, the CAL license basically gives the user or a machine the right to access the server remotely.

There are two types of CAL license, the user license and the device license. The user license licenses the user to remotely access the server, it is linked to a single user, and a user CAL license must be purchased for each user who wishes to connect to the server. The device license licenses the device or workstation (Desktop) from which the access is being made, it is linked to the computer and not to the user, for each machine you wish to license you need a device CAL license, choose the type of license that best suits your needs.

Microsoft requires these licenses from the third user onwards, if the server has only the System Administrator user, and a common user, and only they will do remote access, the CAL license is not required, but from the third user onwards the license is required, when the CAL licenses are activated, the privilege of 2 free users is extinguished, thus requiring 3 licenses, 1 for the Administrator and 1 more for each additional user.

If you need to purchase CAL licenses, please contact Master Da Web’s sales department. We sell these licenses, and if you purchase them from us, we’ll install them and configure them so that everything is legal. Be careful because if you’re using more than 2 users without purchasing the licenses, access to the server can be interrupted at any time.

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