Tag: Network


Turning Your Local Machine into a Public Server with OpenVPN in pfSense

Today, we’re going to take an important step towards making your local machine stand out on the Internet! That’s right, we’re about to configure your machine so that you can browse using a public IP. Why? Well, just imagine: you can host that amazing website you’ve already set up locally, upload a service you’ve developed


How cloud computing is transforming the business world

Cloud computing has established itself as one of the most revolutionary technologies of recent years, and its impact on business is undeniable. Companies of all sizes are migrating to the cloud, enjoying a number of advantages and facing unique challenges. In this post, we’ll explore how cloud computing is transforming the business world, addressing its


What is a QOTD reflection DDoS attack?

In the ever-evolving cyber world, it is crucial to be aware of the different types of attacks that can negatively affect online security. One such attack is the QOTD Reflection DDoS, a sneaky threat that can wreak havoc on systems and networks. In this post, we’ll explore what this type of attack is and how


DDoS Reflection Attacks by mDNS

Cyberattacks are constantly evolving, and among the harmful varieties, mDNS Reflection DDoS Attacks have emerged as a growing and complex threat. In this post, we’ll explore what these attacks are, how they work and what protection measures can be adopted to mitigate their damaging effects. What is the mDNS service (5353/udp)? mDNS is a Multicast

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