Category: C/C++


Stack – C Language Implementation

The stack is one of the data structures used for various purposes in computing. It is considered a LIFO (Last in, First out) data structure, meaning that the last element to enter the stack is the first to leave. In our example below, we have reproduced the operations: PUSH – Adds an element to the


Deleting Files in C

In this short post, I’ll show you how to delete a file using the C language. To delete a file we use the delete(“file_name”) function. In the example below, the program will delete the file masterdaweb.txt: #include int main() { delete(“masterdaweb.txt”); return 0; }


Files in C – Functions and Operations on Files

In this article we’ll talk about operating file functions in C, opening a file, closing a file, the getw and putw functions, the fprintf and fscanf functions, random access to files and the fseek function. Functions for operating files: Function Operation fopen() Create a new file Open an existing file fclose() Closes a file in


C Switch Case – How to use

You will learn how to use the switch command in C to execute a block of code based on a multiple choice selection. Below is an example of a MENU using the switch command: switch (menu) { case 1: printf(“Voce escolheu a opcao 1”); break; case 2: printf(“Voce escolheu a opcao 2”); break; default: printf(“Voce

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