Tag: vps


Configuring VPS access via VPN using pfSense

In this video, we teach you how to set up access to your VPS via a VPN using pfSense is a smart strategy to ensure a secure and private connection. With its robustness and flexibility, pfSense makes it possible to create a reliable virtual private network (VPN), allowing you to access your VPS in an


The Importance of Server Benchmarks: Measuring Performance Accurately

In a world where virtualization has become a cornerstone of IT operations, benchmarks play a crucial role for companies using virtual servers. In this post, we’ll explore what benchmarking is and why it’s so essential for optimizing the performance and efficiency of virtual servers, as well as bringing you a test carried out on our


Learn more about Rocky Linux Servers

Rocky Linux is an open source Linux operating system distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It was created to fill the gap left after the changes to the CentOS project. The CentOS project changed its strategy, which left many users and organizations that depended on a free, RHEL-compatible alternative looking for a new


Hire: CloudLinux servers

CloudLinux is a Linux-based operating system designed specifically for shared hosting environments and dedicated servers running web services. It offers enhanced isolation and resource management features, making it a popular choice for hosting providers who want to improve the stability, security and performance of their servers. Here are some key aspects of CloudLinux and its

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