Tag: linux


Using ISO to reinstall your VPS system

One of the new features we brought to our site was the ISO upload that many people had been waiting for.This improvement has been made so that you can install an operating system of your choice that we didn’t list when you purchased the service.Today I’m going to show you how to use this feature.


How cloud computing is transforming the business world

Cloud computing has established itself as one of the most revolutionary technologies of recent years, and its impact on business is undeniable. Companies of all sizes are migrating to the cloud, enjoying a number of advantages and facing unique challenges. In this post, we’ll explore how cloud computing is transforming the business world, addressing its


Using PiKVM to upload an ISO to your Dedicated Server

Using PiKVM to mount an ISO on a dedicated server is an effective solution for remote operations and server management. By integrating PiKVM with the server, it is possible to emulate physical presence and thus load an ISO image onto the server as if we were directly in front of the equipment. This functionality simplifies


The Advantages of Dedicated Servers with Intel Xeon Processors

In the quest for power and reliability in IT infrastructure, dedicated servers equipped with Intel Xeon processors have emerged as a popular choice for companies and organizations around the world. In this article, we’ll explore why these processors are an excellent choice for dedicated servers, and how they can significantly improve the efficiency and performance

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