Author: Lucas


How to Backup MySQL Database with Putty (SSH)

To back up a database using an SSH client, simply use the following command:   mysqldump –opt -Q -u usuário_banco-de-dados -p nome_banco-de-dados > backup.sql   Replace the names in bold with the user of your database and the name of the database. Below is a video lesson explaining the process:  


Understand the Load Average of your Linux Server (Dedicated/VPS)

When we start using Linux Dedicated or VPS servers and want to know the processor usage, we come across the Load Average, represented by a number with two decimal places:   But what does that mean? Of the three values above, the first is the average load over a period of 1 minute, the second


Google Panda – What is it, How to get rid of it?

What is Google Panda? Google Panda is an update to Google’s algorithm. It was created at the beginning of 2011 with the aim of improving Google searches. Launched at first in other countries for testing purposes, it only arrived in Brazil in August and is taking many Webmasters’ sleep away. There are those who say


Fibonacci Sequence – C/C++ Algorithm

The Fibonacci sequence is given in the following order [latex] Fibonacci = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 . . .[/latex]. The algorithm for calculating the nth element is given by: [latex] N = N – 1 + N – 2 [/latex], i.e. the nth element is equal to the

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