Author: Lucas


Fibonacci Sequence – C/C++ Algorithm

The Fibonacci sequence is given in the following order [latex] Fibonacci = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 . . .[/latex]. The algorithm for calculating the nth element is given by: [latex] N = N – 1 + N – 2 [/latex], i.e. the nth element is equal to the


Valid CNPJ generator online

Online generator of valid CNPJ. To generate a new CNPJ click on “Generate CNPJ” below: The CNPJ is made up of fourteen digits and is validated in the same way as the CPF, the only difference being in the default vectors. It’s the last two digits that validate all 12 previous digits, check out the


Algorithm to Generate CNPJ

The CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) is a unique number made up of fourteen digits that identifies a legal entity with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (an agency of the Ministry of Finance), which is necessary for the legal entity to be able to enter into contracts and sue or be sued. The CNPJ


Algorithm to Generate CPF

In Brazil, each individual has a unique and definitive CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) registration number, which identifies him or her to the Internal Revenue Service. This registration number is made up of 9 digits, grouped 3 by 3. For example, 313.402.809-30. The CPF is validated through the verifying digits, which are the last 2

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