Author: Lucas


JAVA: RMSE, MBE, Willmott, Correlation and Determination Coefficient Algorithm

JAVA: RMSE, MBE, Willmott, Correlation Coefficient and Determination Algorithm public class Estatistica { public String getStats (double valorObs[], double valorEst[], int n){ double somaQuadrados = 0; double somaTotalObs = 0; double somaTotalEst = 0; double estMenosMediaObs = 0; double obsMenosMediaObs = 0; double somaQuadradoEstMenosMediaObsMaisObsMenosMediaObs = 0; double somaEstMenosObs = 0; double somatorioUm = 0; //


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Origin is therefore not allowed access

When the client application makes a request to a port other than the origin port, the server usually returns in its header which origins are allowed, so the browser issues the Warning in its console: How to solve the problem? Considering that the server uses PHP, to solve the problem add the following line at


Ember JS: Add Assets (Plugins)

How to add Plugins or Folders to your Ember JS project   In the root of the Ember JS project, inside the“public” folder, create a folder called“assets“ Then copy the directories you want to use in your project: Start the EmberJS server again with the command“ember server“. You will then see that the directories have


Android Studio: Opening Multiple Windows (Projects)

To open multiple instances of Android Studio, there is a setting for this: File > Settings > Appearence & Behavior > System Settings Check the“Open Project in a new window” box. It will now be possible to open multiple instances and projects in Android Studio.

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