Author: claudio

Olá, eu sou o Cláudio, formado em Técnico de Informática pela Polimig e formado em Marketing na Newton Paiva. Amante da tecnologia e do mundo nerd, sempre disposto a aprender coisas novas!

The evolution of Cloud Computing: from basic services to advanced solutions

Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative force in the technological landscape, redefining the way companies and individuals manage and access digital resources. In this article, we will explore the journey of cloud computing from its early stages, offering basic services, to the advanced solutions that shape today’s technological landscape. The Simple Start: Basic Cloud


Do you know what Nested Virtualization is?

Virtualization has been a cornerstone in the evolution of technology, providing greater efficiency and flexibility in server environments. An intriguing facet of this field is nested virtualization, an advanced technique that deserves our attention. In this post, we’ll explore what exactly nested virtualization is and how it’s transforming the way we interact with virtual machines.


Effects of Technology on Mental Health: Benefits and Challenges

We live in a digital age, where technology permeates every area of our lives. Our smartphones are extensions of our hands, and social networks are our virtual meeting points. While technology has brought countless conveniences and opportunities, it has also raised questions about its impact on mental health. Today we will explore the benefits and


How cloud computing is transforming the business world

Cloud computing has established itself as one of the most revolutionary technologies of recent years, and its impact on business is undeniable. Companies of all sizes are migrating to the cloud, enjoying a number of advantages and facing unique challenges. In this post, we’ll explore how cloud computing is transforming the business world, addressing its

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