Author: claudio

Olá, eu sou o Cláudio, formado em Técnico de Informática pela Polimig e formado em Marketing na Newton Paiva. Amante da tecnologia e do mundo nerd, sempre disposto a aprender coisas novas!

What is a QOTD reflection DDoS attack?

In the ever-evolving cyber world, it is crucial to be aware of the different types of attacks that can negatively affect online security. One such attack is the QOTD Reflection DDoS, a sneaky threat that can wreak havoc on systems and networks. In this post, we’ll explore what this type of attack is and how


Virtualized servers with NVMe

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and in the world of servers, the revolution is being led by NVMe SSDs (Non-Volatile Memory Express). When combined with virtualized servers (VPS), these storage devices offer a series of advantages that revolutionize the way companies handle their IT resources. In this article, we’ll explore what NVMe SSDs


DDoS Reflection Attacks by mDNS

Cyberattacks are constantly evolving, and among the harmful varieties, mDNS Reflection DDoS Attacks have emerged as a growing and complex threat. In this post, we’ll explore what these attacks are, how they work and what protection measures can be adopted to mitigate their damaging effects. What is the mDNS service (5353/udp)? mDNS is a Multicast


IT Dictionary

Here’s a dictionary with some of the words and expressions used in the IT world. Remember that technology is always evolving, and new terms may emerge over time. It is essential to keep up to date with trends and changes in technology. A B C D E F G H I J K L M

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