Dedicated or Shared Server (VPS). What is the best option?


A server is a machine, a computer connected to an internet network and running programs as services. This server can be shared (vps) or exclusive (dedicated), depending on the needs of each application.

The first step in choosing a server is to identify your application’s computing needs. The right choice directly affects the performance of your application, so check the minimum requirements that your application needs in order to define the ideal server (dedicated or vps). This information is in the official document for your application.

Cloud technology makes it easy to upgrade at any time, so if you need to, you can increase your cloud server’s memory, storage and processing.

Dedicated server

A dedicated server is the best option for those who want to guarantee maximum performance and total control of their cloud environment.

This is a completely exclusive server for the client, where the hardware is not shared. It can be used by small, medium and large companies, or even by web developers.

This server allows you to fully customize the client’s needs, from storage space to RAM size and processing speed. It can be used for both systems and websites.

What is the main difference between a dedicated server and a server (VPS)?

While in the former the physical server is exclusive to the client (Dedicated), in the latter the hardware resources are shared between various services and contractors (VPS).

Let’s explain further…

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server.

VPS are virtualized servers on physical machines. They deliver good performance at a more affordable price than dedicated servers.

In VPS, as the servers are on the same hardware, when they are accessed by different companies, slowdowns can occur at times when there are many simultaneous accesses, which can compromise the performance of applications.

A dedicated server, on the other hand, is an exclusive server for the contractor, who alone will use all of the server’s hardware resources, so you can guarantee better application performance 100% of the time.

Dedicated Server

The investment in a dedicated server is much higher than in a shared server (vps). Ideally, you should identify your needs and then decide which service is best for your company.

If you’re not sure which server is right for you, talk to our team.

Together, we’ll identify the ideal service for your needs and take your company to the next technological level.

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