Starting Windows Server in Safe Mode can be useful for correcting problems related to the operation of the operating system, especially if Windows is not starting correctly or crashes when it starts.
There can be various problems that prevent your operating system from starting, in which case we can enter safe mode to try to get the operating system to start, in most cases it is possible to start the system this way, unless it is something very serious or has caused major damage to the operating system, then the system may not start even if it is in safe mode, the boot partition must also be working properly.
You may be wondering, why does the system start in safe mode and not in normal mode? This is because in safe mode the system loads programs, drives and processes that are essential to the operation of the operating system and nothing else, so whatever is preventing the system from starting is not loaded, so the system starts.
To start your VPS in safe mode you must follow these steps, if Windows is locked to start the remote connection will not work, and you will need to access your VPS through the client area on our website, follow the link to the login page on our website, after logging in to the site you will click on the gear symbol for your service, then on the large green button that says “ACCESS CONTROL PANEL”, then click on the yellow button that says manage, below are the images for these steps in the order they happen. Click on each image to enlarge.
On the screen that will open, click on the access server button to open the screen and you will have access to it just like when accessed from the remote desktop, now with access to the server screen, in the control panel click on the yellow restart button, when the server is restarting, keep pressing the F8 key on your keyboard repeatedly, if the Windows logo appears it means that you have missed the correct time to press the F8 key, restart the server again and press the key more quickly, when done in the correct time the Advanced boot options will appear, all the steps are shown in the image below. Click on the image to enlarge.

In the Advanced boot options navigate with the arrow keys on your keyboard, and choose the Safe Mode with Networking option. press the Enter key, if all goes well your VPS will start, and you will be able to log in to your VPS, remote access will also work and if you prefer you can log in through it, once logged in you can investigate what is causing your VPS to malfunction and fix the problem, if you don’t have the technical knowledge to do so, I suggest you back up all your data and important files and save them in a safe place, then reinstall the system by clicking on the reinstall button in the client’s control panel, everything on your VPS will be lost with the reinstallation process, but the reinstallation process will certainly correct the operating system failure and your VPS will function normally again.
It’s important to note that when this happens, it’s not a fault in our services, but a fault in Microsoft’s own operating system, which is beyond our control and is related to the administration of the server, which is the responsibility of the VPS owner.
- Tags:
- safe mode
- windows server