How to upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8 with cPanel ELevate


This article provides the necessary steps to upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8 using cPanel ELevate. Warning: Back up your data before starting the update to avoid data loss.


  1. Back up your accounts.
  2. Access the server terminal as the ‘root’ user via SSH.
  3. Update the packages:
yum update
  1. Update cPanel:
  1. Restart the server:
shutdown -r now
  1. Log in again as ‘root’ after the reboot.
  1. Download the cPanel ELevate script:
chmod 700 /scripts/elevate-cpanel
  1. Check update blockers:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --check
  1. Solve the problems listed and check again:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --check
  1. Start the update process if there are no blockers:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --start
  1. Check the update status:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --status

The upgrade process can take up to 90 minutes and requires several reboots.

Additional features

For more details, visit the original article.

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