Which is the most important and what is the difference between them?
This is one of the main doubts when buying or assembling a new machine. These are the two pieces that have the highest value of the whole set.

CPU central processing unit (processor): this is basically the brain of your computer. It is primarily responsible for making “everything happen” inside your machine. All processing is centralized in this small part.

GPU graphic processing unit (video card): is responsible for making all the information generated by the processor visible on your monitor. Without the GPU you wouldn’t see the images on your screen, just numbers.
But what would be better, investing in a more “robust” processor or a more advanced video card? Which makes more difference to my game or work?
The processor is like the “boss” of your computer, it gives the orders for everything to work, including the video card.
The problem is that “these orders” are not so simple to execute. Among many other functions, the video card is responsible for calculating textures, polygons, lighting…etc.
So, as much as the processor is the “boss” of your computer, the video card has a very important role to play, and if it’s too simple, depending on what you need to use it for on a daily basis, it won’t be able to deliver good performance.
The ideal is always a balance between the two pieces. Identify your daily needs first, what do you need most: processing or a super image? Both are very necessary.
This balance can vary from person to person.

Gamers: If you’re a gamer and need a PC to play games, the video card is the most important part of your entire system, since it’s what will render and create all those incredible, immersive graphics in games. Games are usually designed to extract more performance from video cards and demand less from the processor, because when you’re playing you need immersive graphics.
The processor needs to be powerful enough to keep up with the video card, but we can say that in the case of gamers their whole system, their machine, is around a powerful video card. You probably chose the video card first and then the other parts. For gamers, the video card is the most important part of the system, and the processor should only be good enough to keep up with the video card.

Designers and architects: Now if you are assembling a machine aimed at working with video editing, images, architecture, 3D creation and animation, your balance is different from a gamers. The software you’ll be using requires a lot more from the processor than the video card itself. Of course, you still need a more powerful video card to be able to render the effects and images, but the most important thing is to have a processor strong enough to support the software running and generating so many complex images and simulating that whole environment for you. In this case, the ideal is a more powerful processor, but accompanied by a quality video card.

Programmer: If you’re a programmer or work in the financial market and don’t need to generate 3D graphics, there’s no need for a powerful video card, a simple onboard one will do the trick. The need in this case is more processor-based, the calculations to make your program run don’t depend on the video card.
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