In this tutorial we’ll talk a bit about FTP accounts for cPanel, and we’ll also show you how to create and manage additional FTP accounts.
FTP is important for cPanel so that you can easily send files to your web hosting, by default cPanel already comes with an FTP account for the web hosting owner, just enter the same access data as cPanel in an FTP client to connect, an example of an FTP client is the WinSCP software, it is free and you can download it from the official page.
To create FTP accounts in cPanel is easy, just log in to cPanel and in the files section click on the “FTP Accounts” option, as shown in the image below.

Once you’ve accessed the FTP accounts page, fill in the following fields: FTP username, password and password confirmation, directory where the user will be allowed to access, and file quota limit. Once you’ve entered the data, click on the “Create FTP account” button as shown in the image below.

Now your FTP user has been created, all you have to do is use the FTP client to connect. It is always important to define in the directory field which folder the user will have access to, so that you can only define access to the folder you need.
Once again on the FTP accounts page, if you scroll down, you will see user management options, with these options you can change the user’s password, change the account attributes, or even delete a user, the special FTP accounts are for administrators that come by default in cPanel as mentioned earlier, they cannot be deleted.