In today’s post I’m going to show you what RemoteAPP is and how to set it up on your Windows Server.
First, let’s understand what RemoteApp is
RemoteApp is a Windows Server service that delivers applications installed on the server to the user from a remote device.
RemoteApp uses the same technology as Remote Access, but it will only access one application, for example: if I put Google Chrome on my server and make it available to the server’s clients, any machine can use Google Chrome and consume it (even if it’s not installed on the client machine), so it will also use the server’s hardware.
To start the configurations, you need to have a Windows Server with Active Directory configured with a domain and a VPC configured if there are other VPSs on the network.
In case you didn’t know, we have blog posts that teach you both:
Installing Windows Server Active Directory
Creating a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and interconnecting VPSs
Once everything is set up, let’s go.
1. Go to the Server Manager Dashboard and go to the Add functions and features option.

2. I recommend that you read the information and then press “Next”.

3. Choose the “Install Remote Desktop Services” option and then click “Next”.

4. Choose the “Quick Start” option and then go to “Next”.

5. Choose the “Session-based desktop” deployment option and then Next.

6. Check that the server appears in the Server Pool, also check that your computer is selected next to it and below you can check the account that will be used for deployment, after confirming everything, click on Next.

7. Check the option to Restart the target server automatically if required and then go to Deploy.

8. It will install a few packages, after which it will show that it has finished.

9. Go to the “Remote Desktop Services” option.

10. You will see 4 options on your left, go to QuickSessionCollection, which will determine the programs that will go to RemoteAPP, in the center of the screen you will have the priority field, Remote APP programs which is where we will add our shared programs and host servers, in this case, only the server and on the right will give you control of who is connected to RemoteApp.

11. To add a new program, simply go to “Tasks”, next to the description of “RemoteAPP Programs” and then “Publish RemoteApp Programs”.

12. This new window will show all the programs that are installed on the server machine.

12.1. If your program doesn’t appear, you can click on “Add” and search for the executable so that it appears in the selection window.

13. After selecting the program, simply click on “Next”.

14. Check that all the selected programs are appearing correctly, if so, press “Publish”, if not, press “Previous” and repeat steps 12 and 12.1.

15. When you’ve finished, just click “Close” and the configuration is complete.

16)Now, just go to Internet Explorer and access the IP of the server with the RemoteAPP section, example: .

17. This is the RemoteApp menu, just select the application you want to use and you’re up and running.

Once configured and tested, it can now be used normally in production. Please note that any application using RemoteAPP will create a session on the host server and will consume its components, so use it sparingly. See you later!
See also our video tutorial available on our YouTube channel:

- Tags:
- remoteapp
- windows server