Category: Articles


Is PCI Express 3.0 or PCI Express 2.0 worth it?

  The PCI Express 2.0 standard was introduced in 2007, 3 years later (in 2010) PCI Express 3.0 appeared. I’ll briefly explain in this article how the 2.0 standard is still usable even after so many years, in most cases not requiring an UPGRADE to support the latest GPUs. Let’s take a look at the


Receiving Google Adsense Payments through Santander

When searching for the best bank to receive Google Adsense payments, we found several results on the Google Adsense Forum pointing to Banco Rendimento as the best bank to receive this type of international remittance, since according to the editors, Banco Rendimento’s rate is US$20.00 (dollars). For years I received monthly payments from Google Adsense


Error S1023 when installing DirectX SDK

When trying to install the Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010), for some reason error S1023 “Errors were encountered during installation of redistributable packages. Please close all open programs and try running setup again. If problems persist, contact DirectX Developer Support.” After doing some research, I discovered that the problem is caused by Visual C++ 2010


Is it Reliable to Use an IBAN Generator for Google Adsense?

Receiving your first Google Adsense payment is always a hassle because most of us have never come across the use of an IBAN code. When we search the internet for an Online IBAN Generator, one of the first results is   Is the IBAN generator ( reliable? Most people on the Google Adsense forum

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