Author: Lucas


Ubuntu 17.10 Wayland – Bug with NVIDIA drivers

Ubuntu 17.10 has replaced the old X11 Display Server with Wayland, and also now comes with the GDM3 Display Manager (Gnome) by default. However, this new version comes with a bug that affects users using NVIDIA graphics drivers. After some research, I found out that the fix is quite simple, just add a directive to


Gmail message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines

In this post we’ll learn how to fix the problem in Gmail with sending emails via the IPv6 protocol. Our system has detected that this message does 550-5.7.1 not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and 550-5.7.1 authentication. There are two solutions, one is to set up reverse DNS for the IPv6 in question,


Error 500 File is Writeable by group in WHM/cPanel (SoftException)

WHM/cPanel when configured with suPHP, requires that files have permission 644, and directories 755, otherwise we will get Error 500: … SoftException in Application.cpp:267: File …. is writeable by group How do I fix this SoftException error? Access the cPanel account via SSH, navigate to the directory corresponding to the problem and execute the following


Copying and restoring the entire disk in Linux with dd

All Linux distributions include a program that gives us the possibility of making reliable copies of the entire disk or partition, as well as restoring it. This is the “dd” command. Copying disk A to disk B: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=64K conv=noerror,sync In this example, we are copying the entire “/dev/sda” disk to the “/dev/sdb”

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