Author: Lucas


Scheduling Tasks in Linux using Crontab

Scheduling tasks is a very useful feature, for example in server maintenance and backup, etc. In Linux, this can be done using“crontab“. Using the crontab -operation command will allow you to add, list or remove your scheduled tasks. Example: crontab -e (edits scheduled tasks of the masterdaweb user) crontab -l (displays the scheduled tasks of


Handling .rar files (Ubuntu / Debian)

The “.rar” extension is a native format of the famous WinRar. Linux offers to install this extension, which is included in its repository. Open the terminal and run the following command: # apt-get install unrar If the installation was successful, you can now extract a “.rar” file. To extract from a “.rar” file, just run


Installing Dev. Environment (build-essential) in Debian

The build-essential package is a list containing various packages required for compiling Debian packages. The absence of some of the packages on this list results in “command not found” when trying to compile something. Using the “root” user, to install build-essential run the following commands: # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade # apt-get install build-essential


Add Column to Existing MySQL Table

To add the“age” column of type “int (11)” to the“student” table, simply use the following SQL query: ALTER TABLE aluno ADD idade int(11) the above query will add the column“age” last column, if you want to define the position of the column use the following SQL query: ALTER TABLE aluno ADD idade int(11) AFTER nome

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