Tag: windows server


Affiliate Program

Become a reseller of our services. We offer you a special condition: by signing up to our affiliate system, you earn 10% commission on each monthly payment from your referrals. Registering is very simple, just go to our website and fill in the form. All you have to do is provide your referrals with the


Web Scraping

By using the internet and social networks in our daily lives, we make a lot of our information publicly available on the web without realizing it. Over the years, it has become increasingly common for us to record this information on our networks (such as our full name and the city we live in in


CAL License: What it is and how to contract it

What is CAL access? It is a license that gives the user or device the right to access the server’s services. The CAL license is required by Microsoft if the server has more than 2 RDP (Terminal Service) users. Types of access CALs Initially, we divided CALs into two licensing categories: Per user: the license


Windows Server 2022

Launched in August 2021, Windows Server 2022 is the tenth and latest long-term maintenance channel release of Microsoft’s Windows Server operating system, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. The new version will have secure connectivity enabled by industry-standard AES 256 encryption. Another differentiator will be the management of the hybrid server,

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